Framing The Story. Kev Alexander, Dr Tacko, and The Magic Toyshop

Interesting week, eh? We went to Askam on thursday to record some footage with which to frame Jim's we are outside Kev Alexander's shed and at the end of his street. We recorded two sequences with Kev that we hope will show the world of the story, while he filled the shed with stories and petrol fumes. Elsewhere, we've had the ok to use a recording by The Magic Toyshop, one of the best bands to come out of Furness in my time here. The song is an edited versh of King Of Space by Rob Kavanagh, from an acoustic session, and features the great Phil Birkett as singer. Many thanks to Rob and to Jamie Bosanko for supplying a file. And on friday we were at the Laurel and Hardy Museum with Tony Lidington, for his marvellous lecture on Performative Science and quackery. We had a very good audience including lots of old friends, and raised a very decent bit of money for Furness Refugee Support. Thank you, one and all. We'll be posting Tony's script, but for now...